"Here in Bollywood, a musician neither gets money nor respect. I would love to work there."
Read in The Deccan Chronicle, Print Edition, Hyderabad, dt. Dec. 1, 2007. Report from Shri Debarun Borthakur.
To work there, the artist meant USA and the Hollywood. 111 years earlier Swami Vivekananda said the samething in his letter of May 1896 to Ms. Alberta Sturges:
" ... I have had two classes already — they will go on for four or five months and after that to India I go. But it is to Amerique — there where the heart is. I love the Yankee land. I like to see new things. I do not care a fig to loaf about old ruins and mope a life out about old histories and keep sighing about the ancients. I have too much vigour in my blood for that. In America is the place, the people, the opportunity for everything. I have become horribly radical. I am just going to India to see what I can do in that awful mass of conservative jelly-fish, ..."
By the year 1900 the whole thing changed. Vivekananda found it difficult to earn even his passage back.
We shall wait and see what Mr. Srivastava will have to say?
On Nov. 29, 2007, there was a fire in a California - Sanfrancisco Restaurant in which two Indians were killed. Here is its link:
On our local TV channel, we saw that one victim was from Andhra Pradesh. He was working in the Restaurant parttime while studying his M.S.
The poor boy lost his life, while aiming for the Great Yankee Land.
Of course, fires and explosions take place even in cities like Hyderabad and Bangalore. Few months there was one such explosion at Gokul Chat, an eatery in Hyderabad. Some of the victims were youth from Districts of Andhra Pradesh.
Funnily, even if a person stays at one place, still he may lose his life.
Anyway, I wish goodluck to Mr. Adarsh Srivastava. I hope that he will not sacrifice his the values of Indian Music in his lure for the Yankee Dollars.
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