Panasonic Plasma TVs worth Rs. 2.8 million or US Dollars 60,000 approx. (103 inch screen) each is on sale not only in Metros like Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore. B class cities like Vijayavada also sell them.
Do we need TVs with screens of 103 inch. in homes?
Where does the money for these crazy rich come from? Real Estate? Political corruption? Bureaucratic corruption? Money lending or the fashionable financial innovation? Diversion of bank loans? Black marketing and hoarding? Smuggling? Bootlegging?
Are n't the Indians buying beyond their earning powers? Borrowing capabilities? Which Banks are financing the dealers and the buyers? Do the Banks, whether Public Sector Banks or the Private Sector Banks feel any social responsibilities?
Are n't the Indians going the American way?
*The American borrowers cheated the American Banks in their sub-prime lending.
*The American Banks cheated the American depositors.
*The American Government cheated the American Public by coming to the rescue of the American Banks.
*Is this going to happen to Indian Banks?
*Is the investment of $100 million justified for the project?
*What did the film star Ranbir Kapoor keep in his mind while accepting the brand ambassadorship for the TV?
What do the wise say?
1 comment:
Unbelievable. $60,000 (> half million) is a big amount in US.
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